Clientek Knowledge Base

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Feature Articles Ethics

Business Insights Ethics = Effectiveness

Best Practices The Observable Code

Feature Articles Failure

Business Insights Nothing to Fear

Best Practices Fail, Adjust, Succeed

Feature Articles Transformation

Business Insights Consulting Meets AI

Best Practices It Takes Courage

Feature Articles Influence

Business Insights From Ball to Business

Best Practices A Posture of Influence

Feature Articles Feedback

Best Practices Transforming Negative Feedback

Feature Articles Community

Business Insights Network for Success

Best Practices Building Stronger Teams

Feature Articles Execution

Business Insights Accountability Is a Two-way Street

Best Practices It Always Starts with a Plan

Feature Articles Authenticity

Business Insights Walk the Talk

Best Practices A Continuous Pursuit

Feature Articles Preparation

Business Insights Alignment

Best Practices Planful Transitions

Feature Articles 2023: A Lesson in Perspective

Business Insights A New Chapter

Best Practices A Year in Review

Taste of the Month Archives 2023 Recipe Book

Feature Articles Transparency

Business Insights Trading Comfort for Efficiency

Best Practices Life's Demands

Feature Articles Process

Business Insights Oh, Bother

Best Practices Process for Success

Feature Articles End-to-end

Business Insights We Can Help With That

Best Practices Getting in Early

Feature Articles Communication

Business Insights Grace & Intent

Best Practices Simple Rules

Feature Articles Discovery

Business Insights Partnership

Feature Articles Resilience

Business Insights Slow Down to Speed Up

Best Practices Difficulty Itself

Feature Articles Conflict

Business Insights An Inevitable Opportunity

Feature Articles Productivity

Best Practices Achieving Value Delivery

Feature Articles Philanthropy

Best Practices Care for Your Team

Feature Articles Delegation

Business Insights The Next Chapter

Best Practices Let New Leaders Emerge

Feature Articles Customer Centricity

Business Insights True Partnership

Best Practices Ranger Buddy

Taste of the Month Archives 2022 Recipe Book

Feature Articles 2022: Lessons Learned

Business Insights Taking Stock

Best Practices Introspection

Feature Articles Strategy

Business Insights Your People

Best Practices Assumptions Kill Strategy

Feature Articles Collaboration

Business Insights No Matter Where

Best Practices The Sauce

Feature Articles Planning

Business Insights The Plan, the Planning, and You

Best Practices What Is Planning?

Feature Articles Growth

Feature Articles Innovation

Business Insights The Innovative Process

Best Practices A Culture of Innovation

Feature Articles Flexibility

Business Insights Prepared for Change

Best Practices Embrace the Unknown

Feature Articles Balance

Business Insights Efficiency & Time Management

Best Practices Balancing Expectations

Feature Articles Culture

Business Insights It's Contagious

Agile Is Not a Goal Part 1: Apply What Fits

Feature Articles Problem Solving

Business Insights Spoiled for Choice, or Not

Best Practices What problem are you trying to solve?

Navigation Part 1: Responding to the Great Resignation

Feature Articles Motivation

Business Insights Quality of Life

Clientek Methodology Part 1: The Experience

Feature Articles Decisions, Decisions

Business Insights Staffing Challenges

Best Practices Adding Ice

Courage Part 2: Give up Control

Mentorship Build Confidence

Courage Part 1: Asking Stupid Questions

Mentorship Progress Is Made on the Back of Failure

Taste of the Month Archives 2021 Recipe Book

Feature Articles 2021: A Lesson in Patience

Business Insights FIX IT!

Best Practices Attention to Success

Group Dynamics Part 3: Norming & Performing

Group Dynamics Part 2: Storming

Group Dynamics Part 1: Forming

Feature Articles Learning.

Best Practices Shifting Into Gear

Mentorship Delegation Is Key

Mentorship Let It Go

Feature Articles Comprehension.

Business Insights Fresh but Familiar

Teamwork Part 3: Connect & Bond

Teamwork Part 2: Asking for Help

Military Quotes - Planning Part 2: Change Is Inevitable

Teamwork Part 1: Ownership

Military Quotes - Planning Part 1: Plans Are Worthless

Feature Articles Expectations.

Best Practices Challenging Estimations

Reflection Part 3: Know Your Colleagues

Reflection Part 2: Celebrate Your Wins

Military Quotes Part 3: Sacrifice & Service

Reflection Part 1: The Importance of Retrospection

Feature Articles Speed.

Best Practices Why do whiteboards still exist?

Process Before Tech Part 3: INPUTS, OUTPUTS, PROCESS

A Good User Story Part 3: Eliminate Misinterpretation

Military Quotes Part 2: Pass the Credit and Take the Blame

Process Before Tech Part 2: The Process

A Good User Story Part 2: Vertical Slices

Process Before Tech Part 1: Defining Goals

A Good User Story Part 1: Business Value Vs. Solutions

Military Quotes Part 1: Leadership

Feature Articles Simplicity.

Best Practices K.I.S.S.

Feature Articles Authenticity.

Business Insights Amplify

Best Practices An Authentic Environment

Plan to Plan Part 3: Plan to Change

Finding Balance Part 5: Retrospective Balance

Plan to Plan Part 2: Your Plan Foundation

Finding Balance Part 4: Get a Hobby

Feature Articles Innovation.

Business Insights A New Way of Doing Things

Best Practices The Foundation

Plan to Plan Part 1: Our Way Back

Finding Balance Part 3: Retaining Culture

Finding Balance Part 2: Personal Connections

'Stuff' Clientek Says Part 4: Don't Stand There With Your Teeth in Your Mouth

Finding Balance Part 1: Take a Walk

Feature Articles Integrity Is Everything.

Business Insights Elements of Transparency

Best Practices Integrity During Uncertainty

Changing Perception Part 7: Slow Down to Go Fast

'Stuff' Clientek Says Part 3: What We Do Here Is Plan

Changing Perception Part 6: Release Fear

'Stuff' Clientek Says Part 2: Focus on What Matters

Company Culture Part 2: A True Story

Changing Perception Part 5: Delivery

Company Culture Part 1: Compassion

Changing Perception Part 4: Transparency

'Stuff' Clientek Says Part 1: Disappoint Early

Feature Articles It's the People.

Best Practices Believe in People

Key Metrics Part 3: Productivity

Changing Perception Part 3: Predictability

Lessons From the Field Part 10: Oversized Teams

Changing Perception Part 2: The Estimate Myth

Lessons From the Field Part 9: Whatever It Takes

Changing Perception Part 1: Confidence

Feature Articles The Recipe.

Business Insights Achieving Repeatable Success

Best Practices We've Learned What It Takes

Key Metrics Part 2: Churn

Defining Success Part 7: Perseverance

Lessons From the Field Part 8: Automating the Basics

Key Metrics Part 1: Leading Financial Indicators

Defining Success Part 6: Quality

Defining Success Part 5: Time to Market

Lessons From the Field Part 7: What Is Your True North?

Defining Success Part 4: Predictability

Lessons From the Field Part 6: The Power of the Demo

Feature Articles Listening.

Business Insights Active Listening Takes Work

Best Practices Listen in and Keep Up

Defining Success Part 3: Incremental Wins Are Success

Lessons From the Field Part 5: 'You need a data lake.'

Defining Success Part 2: What makes a software team successful?

Lessons From the Field Part 4: Setting Expectations

Defining Success Part 1: When Done Is Done

Lessons From the Field Part 3: Like for Like

Taste of the Month Archives 2020 Recipe Book

Lessons From the Field Part 2: Active Feedback

Year End 2020 From Adversity Comes Strength

Feature Articles One for the Books.

Business Insights Silver Linings

Best Practices Looking Toward 2021

Focus Part 5: Finish Strong

Focus Part 4: Change Is Inevitable

Lessons From the Field Part 1: Objectives & Decomposition

Giving Back Part 5: Urban Ventures & Orpheus Music Project

Focus Part 3: The Definition of Success

Who Do You Need? Part 4: Courteous

Feature Articles Enablement.

Business Insights Leap of Faith

Focus Part 2: Planning

Giving Back Part 4: Morton Cure Paralysis Fund & American Lung Association

Focus Part 1: Prioritization

Who Do You Need? Part 3: Communicator

Giving Back Part 3: Children's Minnesota & YouthLink MN

Unity Common Ground

Who Do You Need? Part 2: Courageous

Giving Back Part 2: Greater Minneapolis Crisis Nursery & Jospeh's Coat

Empowerment Yourself

Who Do You Need? Part 1: Curiosity

Feature Articles True Partners.

Business Insights Other Points of View

Best Practices Partnership

Giving Back Part 1: A Social Responsibility

Empowerment Leadership

End to End Delivery Part 10: Putting It All Together

Continuous Learning Part 4: Publications

Empowerment Employees

End to End Delivery Part 9: Reacting to Change

Continuous Learning Part 3: Vendors & Partners

Empowerment Building Trust in Teams

End to End Delivery Part 8: Ensuring Quality

Continuous Learning Part 2: Employees

Empowerment Next-Level Teams

End to End Delivery Part 7: Being Predictable

Adaptation Inspect & Adapt

Continuous Learning Part 1: Clients

End to End Delivery Part 6: Deliver Value Sooner

Feature Articles Differentiation.

Business Insights Bring Something to the Table

Best Practices Whatever It Takes

Adaptation Failing Fast

End to End Delivery Part 5: Goals for All Delivery

Customer Satisfaction Part 4: Finishing

Adaptation Employee Engagement

End to End Delivery Part 4: Selecting the Best Option

Customer Satisfaction Part 3: Trusting

Adaptation Optimize Your Innovation

End to End Delivery Part 3: Defining Solutions

Customer Satisfaction Part 2: Listening

Adaptation Effective Remote Collaboration

End to End Delivery Part 2: Defining Success

Feature Articles Take the Wheel.

Business Insights Project Insurance

Best Practices Planned Innovation

Customer Satisfaction Part 1: Caring

Adaptation Is Now the Time to Invest?

End to End Delivery Part 1: The Ask

Feature Articles Coalescence.

Best Practices Trust & Transparency

Feature Articles Evolve to Progress.

Business Insights Organizations of Trust

Feature Articles The Repair.

Best Practices Invest in Your Infrastructure

Feature Articles Return to Normalcy.

Best Practices Business Recovery After COVID-19

Feature Articles Forethought.

Business Insights COVID-19 Response

Feature Articles Retention.

Business Insights Agile Is About Choices

Best Practices Organizational Change Management

Feature Articles Regain Control.

Business Insights Value Focused Analysis

Best Practices Minimal Testable Features

Looking Toward 2020 Part Two

Feature Articles Change is good.

Looking Toward 2020 Part One

Feature Articles Putting It All Together.

Feature Articles Adaptability.

Business Insights Value Focused Delivery

Best Practices Choose a Course of Action

Feature Articles Rigor.

Best Practices The Power of the Team

Feature Articles Flexibility.

Business Insights Inception: The Most Important Phase

Feature Articles Flexibility. Rigor. Breadth.

Best Practices What Problem Are We Trying to Solve?

Business Insights

Ethics = Effectiveness

Nothing to Fear

Consulting Meets AI

From Ball to Business

Network for Success

Accountability Is a Two-way Street

Walk the Talk


A New Chapter

Trading Comfort for Efficiency

Oh, Bother

We Can Help With That

Grace & Intent


Slow Down to Speed Up

An Inevitable Opportunity

The Next Chapter

True Partnership

Taking Stock

Your People

No Matter Where

The Plan, the Planning, and You

The Innovative Process

Prepared for Change

Efficiency & Time Management

It's Contagious

Spoiled for Choice, or Not

Quality of Life

Staffing Challenges


Fresh but Familiar


A New Way of Doing Things

Elements of Transparency

Achieving Repeatable Success

Active Listening Takes Work

Silver Linings

Leap of Faith

Other Points of View

Bring Something to the Table

Project Insurance

Organizations of Trust

COVID-19 Response

Agile Is About Choices

Value Focused Analysis

Value Focused Delivery

Inception: The Most Important Phase

Best Practices

The Observable Code

Fail, Adjust, Succeed

It Takes Courage

A Posture of Influence

Transforming Negative Feedback

Building Stronger Teams

It Always Starts with a Plan

A Continuous Pursuit

Planful Transitions

A Year in Review

Life's Demands

Process for Success

Getting in Early

Simple Rules

Difficulty Itself

Achieving Value Delivery

Care for Your Team

Let New Leaders Emerge

Ranger Buddy


Assumptions Kill Strategy

The Sauce

What Is Planning?

A Culture of Innovation

Embrace the Unknown

Balancing Expectations

What problem are you trying to solve?

Adding Ice

Attention to Success

Shifting Into Gear

Challenging Estimations

Why do whiteboards still exist?


An Authentic Environment

The Foundation

Integrity During Uncertainty

Believe in People

We've Learned What It Takes

Listen in and Keep Up

Looking Toward 2021


Whatever It Takes

Planned Innovation

Trust & Transparency

Invest in Your Infrastructure

Business Recovery After COVID-19

Organizational Change Management

Minimal Testable Features

Choose a Course of Action

The Power of the Team

What Problem Are We Trying to Solve?

Feature Articles










2023: A Lesson in Perspective











Customer Centricity

2022: Lessons Learned









Problem Solving


Decisions, Decisions

2021: A Lesson in Patience








Integrity Is Everything.

It's the People.

The Recipe.


One for the Books.


True Partners.


Take the Wheel.


Evolve to Progress.

The Repair.

Return to Normalcy.



Regain Control.

Change is good.

Putting It All Together.




Flexibility. Rigor. Breadth.

Social Posts

Agile Is Not a Goal Part 1: Apply What Fits

Navigation Part 1: Responding to the Great Resignation

Clientek Methodology Part 1: The Experience

Courage Part 2: Give up Control

Mentorship Build Confidence

Courage Part 1: Asking Stupid Questions

Mentorship Progress Is Made on the Back of Failure

Group Dynamics Part 3: Norming & Performing

Group Dynamics Part 2: Storming

Group Dynamics Part 1: Forming

Mentorship Delegation Is Key

Mentorship Let It Go

Teamwork Part 3: Connect & Bond

Teamwork Part 2: Asking for Help

Military Quotes - Planning Part 2: Change Is Inevitable

Teamwork Part 1: Ownership

Military Quotes - Planning Part 1: Plans Are Worthless

Reflection Part 3: Know Your Colleagues

Reflection Part 2: Celebrate Your Wins

Military Quotes Part 3: Sacrifice & Service

Reflection Part 1: The Importance of Retrospection

Process Before Tech Part 3: INPUTS, OUTPUTS, PROCESS

A Good User Story Part 3: Eliminate Misinterpretation

Military Quotes Part 2: Pass the Credit and Take the Blame

Process Before Tech Part 2: The Process

A Good User Story Part 2: Vertical Slices

Process Before Tech Part 1: Defining Goals

A Good User Story Part 1: Business Value Vs. Solutions

Military Quotes Part 1: Leadership

Plan to Plan Part 3: Plan to Change

Finding Balance Part 5: Retrospective Balance

Plan to Plan Part 2: Your Plan Foundation

Finding Balance Part 4: Get a Hobby

Plan to Plan Part 1: Our Way Back

Finding Balance Part 3: Retaining Culture

Finding Balance Part 2: Personal Connections

'Stuff' Clientek Says Part 4: Don't Stand There With Your Teeth in Your Mouth

Finding Balance Part 1: Take a Walk

Changing Perception Part 7: Slow Down to Go Fast

'Stuff' Clientek Says Part 3: What We Do Here Is Plan

Changing Perception Part 6: Release Fear

'Stuff' Clientek Says Part 2: Focus on What Matters

Company Culture Part 2: A True Story

Changing Perception Part 5: Delivery

Company Culture Part 1: Compassion

Changing Perception Part 4: Transparency

'Stuff' Clientek Says Part 1: Disappoint Early

Key Metrics Part 3: Productivity

Changing Perception Part 3: Predictability

Lessons From the Field Part 10: Oversized Teams

Changing Perception Part 2: The Estimate Myth

Lessons From the Field Part 9: Whatever It Takes

Changing Perception Part 1: Confidence

Key Metrics Part 2: Churn

Defining Success Part 7: Perseverance

Lessons From the Field Part 8: Automating the Basics

Key Metrics Part 1: Leading Financial Indicators

Defining Success Part 6: Quality

Defining Success Part 5: Time to Market

Lessons From the Field Part 7: What Is Your True North?

Defining Success Part 4: Predictability

Lessons From the Field Part 6: The Power of the Demo

Defining Success Part 3: Incremental Wins Are Success

Lessons From the Field Part 5: 'You need a data lake.'

Defining Success Part 2: What makes a software team successful?

Lessons From the Field Part 4: Setting Expectations

Defining Success Part 1: When Done Is Done

Lessons From the Field Part 3: Like for Like

Lessons From the Field Part 2: Active Feedback

Year End 2020 From Adversity Comes Strength

Focus Part 5: Finish Strong

Focus Part 4: Change Is Inevitable

Lessons From the Field Part 1: Objectives & Decomposition

Giving Back Part 5: Urban Ventures & Orpheus Music Project

Focus Part 3: The Definition of Success

Who Do You Need? Part 4: Courteous

Focus Part 2: Planning

Giving Back Part 4: Morton Cure Paralysis Fund & American Lung Association

Focus Part 1: Prioritization

Who Do You Need? Part 3: Communicator

Giving Back Part 3: Children's Minnesota & YouthLink MN

Unity Common Ground

Who Do You Need? Part 2: Courageous

Giving Back Part 2: Greater Minneapolis Crisis Nursery & Jospeh's Coat

Empowerment Yourself

Who Do You Need? Part 1: Curiosity

Giving Back Part 1: A Social Responsibility

Empowerment Leadership

End to End Delivery Part 10: Putting It All Together

Continuous Learning Part 4: Publications

Empowerment Employees

End to End Delivery Part 9: Reacting to Change

Continuous Learning Part 3: Vendors & Partners

Empowerment Building Trust in Teams

End to End Delivery Part 8: Ensuring Quality

Continuous Learning Part 2: Employees

Empowerment Next-Level Teams

End to End Delivery Part 7: Being Predictable

Adaptation Inspect & Adapt

Continuous Learning Part 1: Clients

End to End Delivery Part 6: Deliver Value Sooner

Adaptation Failing Fast

End to End Delivery Part 5: Goals for All Delivery

Customer Satisfaction Part 4: Finishing

Adaptation Employee Engagement

End to End Delivery Part 4: Selecting the Best Option

Customer Satisfaction Part 3: Trusting

Adaptation Optimize Your Innovation

End to End Delivery Part 3: Defining Solutions

Customer Satisfaction Part 2: Listening

Adaptation Effective Remote Collaboration

End to End Delivery Part 2: Defining Success

Customer Satisfaction Part 1: Caring

Adaptation Is Now the Time to Invest?

End to End Delivery Part 1: The Ask

Looking Toward 2020 Part Two

Looking Toward 2020 Part One